February 3, 2023
Pearsall ISD would like to invite you to join us in our next monthly meeting with our Community Liaison. This month's meeting will focus on the topic of Vaping with an emphasis o...
January 31, 2023
Good afternoon PISD family, PISD will delay the start of the school day by two hours on February 1st. All schools will begin at 10:00 AM. The bus routes will also be delayed. ...
January 31, 2023
Good evening PISD family, Due to inclement weather, the start of the school day will be delayed by two hours tomorrow January 31st. All schools will start at 10:00 AM. Bus route...
January 10, 2023
Substitute Training Friday January 20, 2023 All new substitutes must attend.
Apply online before attending.
Please bring two forms of ID
(e.g., driver's license, birt...
December 9, 2022
SY21-22 Summer PEBT Benefits Issuance Update
To request a review, call the P-EBT Call Center at 833-442-1255, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central tim...
December 6, 2022
Intruder Detection Audit
November 29, 2022
P-EBT Summer 2022 Timeline
November 2022: 11/28- Benefit issuance starts, $391 per each eligible child. 11/28- Claim code notices sent to families unknown to HHSC.
November 8, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Pearsall ISD will have an early release for all students on Thursday, November 10th. The purpose of the early out is to begin our regular routes with en...
November 3, 2022
Dear Pearsall ISD Community,
On behalf of Pearsall ISD, we would like to thank everyone for their continued partnership in supporting the education and wel-being of our childre...
October 27, 2022
Download Flyer
Join Us for a Monthly Meeting with our Community Liaison
Date : Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Time...
October 20, 2022
L Dear Pearsall ISD Community, The Pearsall ISD and School Board of Trustees strongly believe in accountability. One of the three board adopted goals pertains to providing a qua...
October 17, 2022
A Budget Workshop of the Board of Trustees of Pearsall ISD will be held Wednesday, August 23, 2023, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Board Room, 318 Berry Ranch Rd, Pearsall, Texas 780...
October 14, 2022
Family Engagement Halloween Festival October 21st 2022
October 14, 2022
PISD asking parents to complete socioeconomic form for the 2022-2023 school year
The Pearsall Independent School District will provide free breakfast and lunch to students in...
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
Dear Pearsall ISD Parent/guardian, Our main goal at Pearsall ISD is to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Throughout the year, we will continue to par...
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
Dear Pearsall ISD Community,
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority. Earlier today, Pearsall ISD was alerted of an incident involvi...
September 28, 2022
Pearsall ISD is conducting a survey regarding the 22-23 school year Parent Involvement Policy. The are five sections to this survey. Please read each section below and provide you...
August 11, 2022
Hello parents, Buying tickets for sporting events is now even easier! Scan the QR code or download the app to buy Home tickets for your Pearsall Mavericks!
July 12, 2022
Pearsall ISD 2022-2023 student bus registration link. Any questions or concerns please call Gloria Aguilar at (830) 334-2116 Bus Registration Form
July 5, 2022
***UPDATE*** THERE WAS A TYPO UNDER 3RD GRADE For the Expo Thin Markers the count should read 2 instead of 12. MISSING ITEM FROM 4TH GRADE 4 - Composition Notebooks